Assorted Calibers Podcast

In This Episode

  • Erin and Weer’d discuss:
    • the New York court where "The Second Amendment doesn't exist";
    • the ATF's updated wording on what is an illegal private sale, and it clarifies nothing;
    • an American is facing years in prison in the British Territory of Turks and Caicos for a few rounds of ammo forgotten in his bag;
    • and Donald Trump, Jr is one of the names being floated as the new Executive Vice President of the NRA;
  • Guns can be fun, and Tiny has a lot of fun at the gun show,
  • David talks about the "Little Armalite", aka the AR-18;
  • and Xander talks about raw milk and freedom.

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Show Notes

Main Topic

Tiny’s Land of Rocks and Cows

Gun Lovers and Other Strangers

Independent Thoughts with Xander Opal



Direct download: Assorted_Calibers_Podcast_ep_297.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST