EP082 GunBlog VarietyCast
- Blue Collar Prepping - The Vacation State of Mind
- Foreign Policy for Grownups - Trumpanomics
- Pacifiers & Peacemakers - What’s It Like To Be A Mom With A Gun
- Tech Tips with Silicon Graybeard - Getting started with radio receivers
- This Week in Anti-Gun Nuttery - Penny Okamoto of Ceasefire Oregon Attacks FFLs
Blue Collar Prepping - A Vacation State of Mind
Felons Behaving Badly
Foreign Policy for Grownups - Trumpanomics
Plug of the Week
Pacifiers & Peacemakers - What’s It Like To Be A Mom With A Gun
Fun With Headlines
Tech Tips: SiG - Getting started with radio receivers
The J Block - Jamie Gilt, Florida Gun Rights Advocate, Shot In Back By Son
This Week in Anti-Gun Nuttery - Penny Okamoto of Ceasefire Oregon Attacks FFLs