Assorted Calibers Podcast

The GunBlog VarietyCast Episode 22

  • Blue Collar Prepping - Water Bottles

  • Foreign Policy for Grownups - North Korea

  • AlArma - If you do not know how to lobby, shut the up, stay home, and let the adults do the work.

  • Tech Tips with The Barron - Leap Seconds… How bad are they?

  • This Week in Anti-Gun Nuttery - Anti-Gunners Weigh in on Paris Shooting


Blue Collar Prepping - Water Bottles


Felons Behaving Badly


Foreign Policy for Grownups - North Korea


Strange laws - 2015 NRA Annual Meeting Firearm Laws and Reciprocity


AlArma - If you do not know how to lobby, shut the up, stay home, and let the adults do the work.


Fun With Headlines


Tech Tips with The Barron - Leap Seconds… How bad are they?


Liam Neeson


This Week in Anti-Gun Nuttery - Anti-Gunners Weigh in on Paris Shooting


Stuff that Grinds my Gears - Smug Yankees and Southern winter

Direct download: 0320GunBlog20VarietyCast20Episode2022.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EST