Assorted Calibers Podcast
  • Erin and Weer'd talk about our friends on Patreon and how much we love them, and the giveaway we're holding for a C-5 9mm AR lower from New Frontier Armory.
  • Our main topic is the revelation that Florida may -- or may not -- have been conducting background checks on their Concealed Weapons Permit applicants.
  • The Egghead tells us all about the benefits of a Ham Radio license and how to get one.
  • Savage1R detours from cryptocurrency to talk about his new AR-15 project, the DB5000.
  • Weer'd fisks part 1 of an anti-gun rant by sex advice podcaster Dan Savage (no relation).
  • David talks about butting heads with very anti-gun people in New York from High School through last year.
  • and Steve talks about some hazards on the job of being a PI, and how things can go from calm to crazy really fast.
Direct download: Assorted_Calibers_Podcast_Ep_011.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST