Assorted Calibers Podcast

In This Episode:

  • Erin and Weer’d explore an article which disputes the the validity of the CDC's rising numbers for gun violence in America... from Michael Bloomberg's The Trace;
  • Weer'd interviews Lara Smith of the Liberal Gun Club to discuss the not-so-mythical liberal gun owner and how important diversity is in the Second Amendment fight;
  • the General Purpose Egghead gives us another segment on the penny stove, this time  talking about on how to use one, some accessories for one that are useful, and fuels for it;
  • and friend of the show Oddball felt called out to do a segment on what knife steels are good and what to avoid.

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Show Notes

Main Topic

General Purpose Egghead


Direct download: Assorted_Calibers_Podcast_Ep_028.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST