In This Episode
- Erin and Weer’d discuss:
- the murder rate in the US is dropping again, but the legacy media still wants us to be scared;
- the spree killer in Philadelphia is a mess, and also may be a gun prohibitionist;
- the attempted spree killing in Las Vegas, and how a little luck and armed security put an end to it.
- Oddball had a power outage and wanted to tell us his preps for when the lights go out;
- and David has a segment on the history of the legendary Remington Rolling Block rifle.
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Show Notes
Main Topic:
- U.S. Murder Rate Finally Dropping—Even As Mass Shootings Reach Record Levels
- The Kingsessing mass shooting suspect told police the rampage was an attempt to fight gun violence, sources say
- Police Report: Quick Action from Armed Employee, Rifle Malfunction Saved Lives in Vegas Attack
Oddball’s Corner Pocket:
- RovyVon A1 Gen 4 Rechargeable EDC Flashlight 650 Lumens
- Blue Collar Prepping: CPAP Battery Solutions
- Blue Collar Prepping: CPAP Battery Solutions Pt 2
- Cat Magic the Game
- Eton American Red Cross FRX2 Hand Turbine AM/FM/NOAA Weather Radio with USB Smartphone Charger and LED Flashlight
- OLIGHT I3T EOS 180 Lumens Dual-Output Slim EDC Flashlight
- Nebo Torchy
Gun Lovers and Other Strangers:
- L Geiger Patent
- Remington Rolling Block rifle
- Forgotten Weapons: Remington Split Breech - Before It Was Famous
- Forgotten Weapons: Remington's Last Rolling Block: the No.7 Target Rifle
- C&Rsenal: Small Arms of WWI Primer 035: French Remington Rolling Block
- Brownells’ From the Vault: Remington U.S. Army Model 1871 Pistol
- Davide Pedersoli Rolling Blocks
- Uberti 1871 Baby Rolling Block
- Uberti Rolling Block Pistol
- Taylor’s Rolling Block Rifles
- Remington Rolling Block Firearms
- The All New Collector's Guide to Remington Rolling Block Military Rifles of the World
- A Rifle Anyone Can Build
- Designing and Building Rolling Block Firearms in the Home Work Shop
- Military Remington Rolling Block Rifle
- Remington Rolling Block Run-and-Gun (The Firearms Blog)
- Brena Bock Author Page
- David Bock Author Page
- Team And More