Assorted Calibers Podcast

Weer'd is feeling sick after his colonoscopy, but Erin, David, and Oddball have come to the  rescue with an ACP Round Table.

In This Episode

We discuss:

  • gun manufacturers handing over purchaser information taken from warranty cards to political groups;
  • a historic rise in FFL revocations;
  • a gun shop owner who was acquitted on charges of illegally acquiring a machine gun;
  • a federal ruling against the ban on firearm ownership in public housing;
  • Knife Rights suing the government to repeal the Federal Switchblade Act;
  • Massachusetts gun owners delivering nearly 100,000 referendum signatures, along with a special gift, to Governor Maura Healey:
  • the near-disaster at a staged shooting event by a politician who should have known better, and the longer you look, the worse it gets;
  • Delaware being questioned about their AWB by the Supreme Court;
  • and the mixed result on the appeal of the Washington, DC "high capacity magazine" ban.

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Show Notes


Direct download: Assorted_Calibers_Podcast_ep_319.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST