In This Episode
- Erin and Weer’d discuss:
- David Hogg election as Vice Chair of the Democrat National Committee;
- Merrick Garland's gift of a Tommy Gun in Washington, DC, if that's even legal;
- the UK still experiencing knife violence and passing yet more knife laws;
- a home defense caught on camera in Michigan, and what can we learn from it;
- Tom Knighton's article on mandatory storage laws.
- Weer'd unearthed a video of Dr. Arthur Kellermann talking about his favorite topic: gun control;
- and David talks about cartridge pressure.
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Show Notes
Main Topic
- David Hogg wins election as vice chair of DNC
- “If you don’t support banning semi automatic rifles you should leave the Democratic Party and join the Guns Over People party.” - David Hogg, Oct 29 2023, on TwiX
- FOIA Request Issued on Merrick Garland’s ‘Tommy Gun’
- UK government plans stricter regulations for buying knives online
- This Is Why There Are No Reasonable Conversations on Mandatory Storage Laws
Weer’d Audio Fisk
- March 14, 2013: Speaking From Experience: Seasoned Leaders Offer Solutions to Gun Violence
- Gunblog Variety Cast Ep 160: The Kellermann Study
- Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 029: Fisk on Suicide
- Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 269: Always Be Prepared
- Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 222: Cranky Old Podcasters
- Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 039: Back on the Defense
- Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence
- 2016 Nice (France) truck attack
- Where did the Columbine Killers get their Guns?
- Gun Violence lowest since the 1960s
Gun Lovers and Other Strangers
- The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute
- All About The .38 Special +P and .38 Special +P+
- Elmer Keith
- .357 Magnum
- .44 Magnum
- Elmer Keith's ka-BOOM
- Ten-Finger Johnny
- Under Pressure - Queen
- Brena Bock Author Page
- David Bock Author Page
- Team And More