In This Episode
- Erin and Weer’d discuss:
- Justin Trudeau stepping down as Canadian Prime Minister;
- the hand-wringing and calls to "do something" after two New Year's attackers passed their background checks to rent trucks on Turo. Car owners won't tolerate what gun owners endure;
- the man who stabbed two people on the New York Subway, who has been arrested over 80 times;
- meanwhile, New York City is adding tolls to the streets to encourage more people to go on the dangerous subways.
- Weer'd discovered an Everytown project badly in need of a fisk;
- Michigan has passed a suite of new gun control laws, and Xander needs to rant about them;
- and David gives us information on drop-loading guns and whether or not it will harm the extractor.
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Show Notes
Main Topic
Weer’d Audio Fisk
Gun Lovers and Other Strangers