Assorted Calibers Podcast

In This Episode

  • Erin and Weer’d discuss:
    • a Juneteenth celebration that turned violent;
    • a terrorist attack in Uganda;
    • a Trap and Skeet League in Minnesota, and why the gun prohibitionists hate it;
    • and a gun shop that got raided by both the ATF and... the IRS?
  • Next, Sean sits down with Weer'd and talks more about Gavin Newsom's proposed Constitutional Amendment;
  • and finally, David talks about how to modify magazines so they work in different firearms.

Did you know that we have a Patreon? Join now for the low, low cost of $4/month (that’s $1/podcast) and you’ll get to listen to our podcast on Friday instead of Mondays, as well as patron-only content like mag dump episodes, our hilarious blooper reels and film tracks.

Main Topic:   

Sean Sorentino Interview:

Gun Lovers and Other Strangers:


Direct download: Assorted_Calibers_Podcast_ep_255.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST

In This Episode

  • Erin and Weer’d discuss:
    • a spree stabbing in France;
    • the Federal Appellate decision that non-violent felons regain their 2A rights after being released;
    • and Gavin Newsom, bless his heart, has proposed a Constitutional Amendment for gun control.
  • Next, Matt from Geeks Gadgets and Guns talks about the Oculus Quest 3 and the Apple Vision Pro;
  • and David talks about prepping your grill for cookout season.

Did you know that we have a Patreon? Join now for the low, low cost of $4/month (that’s $1/podcast) and you’ll get to listen to our podcast on Friday instead of Mondays, as well as patron-only content like mag dump episodes, our hilarious blooper reels and film tracks.

Main Topic:   

Gun Lovers and Other Strangers:


Direct download: Assorted_Calibers_Podcast_ep_254.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST

In This Episode

  • Erin and Weer’d discuss:
    • The massive non-compliance with the ATF pistol brace ban;
    • a Federal Court ruling that it is unconstitutional to be denied a firearm because of  Marijuana use;
    • Maryland attempting to pass more gun control laws, and the people protesting them.
  • Weer'd finally brings us the final installment of his Fisk of the Brady Campaign podcast about common pro-gun talking points;
  • Oddball talks about the best way to back up your computer data;
  • and David talks about reactive targets on a budget.

Did you know that we have a Patreon? Join now for the low, low cost of $4/month (that’s $1/podcast) and you’ll get to listen to our podcast on Friday instead of Mondays, as well as patron-only content like mag dump episodes, our hilarious blooper reels and film tracks.

Show Notes

Weer’d Audio Fisk:

Oddball’s Corner Pocket:

Gun Lovers and Other Strangers


Direct download: Assorted_Calibers_Podcast_ep_253.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST

In This Episode

It’s an ACP Round Table!  Join Wee'd,  Erin, Oddball, David, and Xander as we discuss:

  • The injunction against the ATF Pistol Brace Ban;
  • A Chicago "Peacekeeper" who was arrested for a violent robbery, and how it reflects on the Peacekeeper program;
  • Gun-Prohibitionist attacks on shooting ranges and training facilities;
  • A report that calls forensic ballistics into question;
  • The Second Amendment becoming a strong issue in the 2024 Presidential election,  and it's not looking good for gun control;
  • Hawaii losing the court battle over the carrying of batons;
  • and a review of the book Them: Adventures with Extremists by Jon Ronson.

Did you know that we have a Patreon? Join now for the low, low cost of $4/month (that’s $1/podcast) and you’ll get to listen to our podcast on Friday instead of Mondays, as well as patron-only content like mag dump episodes, our hilarious blooper reels and film tracks.

Show Notes


Direct download: Assorted_Calibers_Podcast_ep_252.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST